Clear Eyes, Safe Vision through Tharpanam Treatment in Kerala.

Eyes, a beautiful gift given by God to mankind needs to be preserved. Vision is of utmost necessity to an individual. In today’s competitive world, we are responsible for all losses due to diseases and other problems related to eyes.
Tharpanam treatment has been the ancient rejuvenation treatment for our precious eyes.Tharpanam treatment in Kerala, has acquired great importance by using rich traditional herbs and ointments.
Tharpanam or Tharpan means retention of medicines over the eyes. In this form of medication, the eyes are bathed in medicated oil for 2-10 minutes. The patient is laid on his/her back on a droni and a paste of black gram mixed with lukewarm water that’s prepared in a receptacle and then the medicated oil is poured into the eyes.
The patient is then asked to wink for a minimum of 35 minutes day by day for enhanced vision. The treatment is carried out to give relief to the strained eyes, improve the eye’s vision, strengthen the optic nerves and prevent occurrence of eye diseases.
Contact Number:7510616518



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